The Final Chapter

  • As a long-time end-of-life navigator, Jeanne offers consultations with individuals and groups who want to talk about their end of life hopes. She also works with people who are nearly the end of their life to help them plan for the death that they want. Whether someone is ready for hospice, contemplating hospice, or just wants to plan ahead, a consult can include plans to help you get your life (and death) in order. We support from terminal diagnosis to last breath for the person who is ending this earthly journey and their companions.

  • Jeanne’s signature program, “Talking About Death Won’t Kill You,” is a facilitated conversation that uses sharing and experiential exercises to get clear on what you want and don’t want at the end of your life. Expect lively discussions, laughter, and support, as we discuss this important topic! Please schedule an online chat with Jeanne to discuss!