Be Love Navigation

Be Love Navigation offers services that helps people manage the complex work of living & dying.

Jeanne supports people in making advanced care decisions in creative and practical ways.

She works with IFS (Internal Family Systems) & TRE (Tension & Trauma Release) to calm the nervous system.


  • Internal Family Systems

    Internal Family Systems is a deep and powerful method that looks at an individual as a multiplicity of parts. Some of the benefits of IFS work are emotional resilience, improved relationships, self-compassion, self-awareness, and self-empowerment. Book a chat with Jeanne to see if we are a good fit!

  • Neurogenic Tremoring Based on TRE®

    TRE is a series of exercises that calls forth the tremor mechanism in the body to help the nervous system find balance. Be Love Navigation hosts community classes outdoors in public green spaces as well as online. Book a chat with Jeanne to discuss this method.

  • End-of-Life

    We provide consultations and facilitated conversations around end-of-life planning. We also provide navigation and support in the final days, weeks, and months of the final act, providing an anchor for the dying person and their loved ones.