Under Minnesota law, an unlicensed complementary and alternative health care practitioner may not provide a medical diagnosis or recommend discontinuance of medically prescribed treatments. If a client desires a diagnosis from a licensed physician, chiropractor, or acupuncture practitioner, or services from a physician, chiropractor, nurse, osteopath, physical therapist, dietitian, nutritionist, acupuncture practitioner, athletic trainer, or any other type of health care provider, the client may seek such services at any time.
Be Love Navigation, Jeanne Bain, Director is located in Minneapolis. She holds a Master's Degree in Human Development, is a Certified Provider of TRE®, an End-of-Life Navigator, a level one trained IFS practitioner, a Certified JST ADHD Coach, a Dementia Consultant and Trainer.
Jeanne Bain works independently and does not have a supervisor.
Jeanne Bain seeks to personally resolve any complaints you may have to our mutual satisfaction. If you wish to complain to an outside agency, you may contact the Office of Cd Alternative Health Care Practice, Health Occupations Program, Minnesota Department of Health, PO Box 64975, Suite 400, Metro Square Building, St Paul MN 55164, 651-282-6366.
TRE® private sessions are $150 for the first in-person session, $105 for a first time session on Zoom. First sessions are typically 1.5 hours. Follow up sessions in person are $105 and follow up zoom sessions are $95. Group classes are provided at rates negotiated in advance. Payment is typically collected through my scheduling service, processed through STRIPE. At times, I offer special pricing that might vary from what is listed above. Discovery sessions are offered at no charge and are usually 20 minutes in length. IFS sessions are currently being offered at $95 for individual sessions (1 - 1.25 hours). Group sessions of Death Education, IFS, or Writing vary in price. Please contact Jeanne for prices or refer to her website.
As a client, you have the right to reasonable notice of changes in services or charges.
Theoretical Approach: I work with the 7 exercises of TRE® to help people release tension and trauma in the body. I hold coaching sessions of IFS for groups and individuals to honor all the parts within us.
You have a right to complete and current information concerning my assessment and recommended service, including the expected duration of the service to be provided. You choose the duration of service, never obligated to complete a number of coaching sessions.
You may expect courteous sessions free from verbal, physical, or sexual abuse.
Your records and transactions with this office are confidential. This information will not be released unless you authorize its release in writing, or otherwise provided by law. You are allowed access to records in accordance with Minnesota Statutes section 144.335, if records are kept. Please be advised that Jeanne Bain & Be Love Navigation keeps minimal records.
If you’re dealing with severe mental health concerns — such as substance use, trauma, severe anxiety, depression, or other concerns that interfere with daily living — we recommend seeking professional mental health support before or while you’re working with a coach/provider. There are currently two other certified TRE® provider in the State of Minnesota. Other alternative services are available in the community. You might consider a trauma therapist or a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, which you can find through any search engine. You have the right to choose freely among practitioners and to change practitioners after services have begun. If you change practitioners, you have the right to my assistance in coordinating this transfer to another practitioner. You can find online and in-person IFS practitioners and therapists by visiting
You are free to refuse services or treatment.
You may assert your rights described in this Client Bill of Rights at any time without retaliation.